I need something else to blog about. Several weeks after I see Hoodwinked 2 and not a single post. Something's wrong here.
Even though I need to "get a life"* according to Wolf, I'd like to make one more post about this movie.
I saw it again this Saturday with some other friends and I have to say, it's better when you don't have high expectations. I take back what I said about some scenes having little to no meaning; they all worked together pretty well to get the characters where they needed to go, altough I wish they connected them together more.
However, this doesn't mean there aren't things out of place. The song "I Can Do it Alone" that plays when Red is in the city is really random and awkward, especially considering the fact that there are no other songs in the movie. It's not that I don't like the song, I think it's great and shows an interesting bit of Red's personality, but I don't like how it was put in the movie.
One thing that hasn't changed, though, is my dislike for the Boingo scene. I still don't know what he had to do with anything and he looks really weird. I mean, seriously weird. Does being in an asylym put on pounds, cause he looks bigger and his mouth has grown to a strange extent. Not to mention that his fur doesn't look realistic at all. It looks like it was painted on him, for crying out loud!
So yeah, if you're going to see this movie in its final week (according to its Facebook page), don't come with expectations and you'll more than likely be happier than I was the first time I saw it.
By the way, not to confirm anything, but after coming back from Hoodwinked 2 my friends came up with an idea for something we might write. There's nothing yet, but I'll talk more about this after we start to work on it. :)
*: (From HW2) Flippers- "[The Giant] is known for. . . [blogging] about animated films?" Wolf- "He should get a life."