Monday, August 26, 2013

Gamescom Azran Legacy Rough Translation

[Taken from my Twitter where I started typing the dialogue of Layton 6 into Google Translate to see what it said.]

Luke: Professor, can it really be that someone has a living mummy found?
Emmy: Professor Locklair is a real authority in his field and is familiar with excavations.
[Insert Google Translate derp here for next sentence which translated to: "He would not just make sure the."]
Layton: Whereby the Fund [find?] sounds very strange ... But we will see it soon.
Luke: How is she supposed to still be alive? I hope she is not jinxed ...
Emmy: Do not worry, Luke. I'll take good care of you!
Luke: Wow, that's great! As on a cruise ship!
Emmy: Let the land Kasper!" [Sorry Google Translate, that's not how you say, "Calm down, Luke!"]
Layton: Quite amazing how the [luxurious] interior of this airship.
Raymond: Welcome aboard the Bostonius! My name is Raymond and I would like to welcome you in the name of Professor Locklair on our humble ship. [There's a missing word in this line that changed "welcome" to "buried" because I don't have the weird looking B in it. That made me laugh.]
Emmy: Very [pleasant/enjoyable]!
Layton: Thank you for the warm welcome, Raymond.
[Insert Layton and Luke introducing themselves to Raymond here.]
Raymond: Since now all have gathered, we can begin with the launch preparations. [Translate derp again. ["I was told to confirm your identity before leaving"?] Professor Locklair is keen to speak to the true Professor Layton. I would like very much to apologize for the circumstances.
Luke: Huh?! What?
Raymond: If you were to turn your attention to this puzzle ... You only need to determine the destination of our journey, which is located on this map right behind me. This should certainly be an easy matter for the famous Professor Layton.
[puzzle blah blah blah]
Raymond: [Admirably done!] You are without a doubt Professor Layton. Please make yourself comfortable on the Bostonius. They are guests of honor on this trip.We do get back on track.
Luke: We're flying! Hooray! Professor, look! We're flying! 
Emmy: (Narrating) And so we went together in the Bostonius on the way. We wanted to explore the mystery of the "living mummy". This was only the beginning of an exciting journey around the globe. And it was the last adventure that I was issued me the unique Professor Layton
Luke: Oooh! 
Layton: We should arrive very soon
Emmy: [I have no idea what she says here.]
Luke: This is Sneborg ...  

Yes, I know I'm a huge Layton geek. Tell me something I don't know. :P